Friday, July 24, 2020

07/24/20 MISSION TRIP TO CHINA #12 — On that all-night train ride, in the near total darkness I had absolutely no idea how to locate my bunk OR my other team members. I didn’t know where we had been or where we were going. That was the only time on the entire trip I was actually afraid. I had visions of starving to death—on that very train! Whenever the conductor scolded me, I pretended I needed to visit the “restroom”—a small hole in the floor in each car served as the toilet.
At sunrise, I could finally see enough to make a reasonable search for my stuff. After what seemed like an eternity, I was relieved and overjoyed to find my bunk. Our team leader had warned us NOT to read our Bibles on the train. He was leery of government agents who were aboard, who had harassed us at every turn—even evicting us in the middle of the night from a couple of hotels we had tried to stay in. But, after the harrowing night I had spent, I sat down on my bunk (leaning way forward so as not to bump my head or bother the guy snoring in the bunk just above me) and began praying and reading my Bible.
Suddenly the angry guy from the previous night was standing right in front of me. I thought surely there would be more trouble. But he smiled, pointed to my Bible, gave me a “thumbs up” and hugged me tight! Overjoyed, I went searching in broad daylight and found my buddies. Praise the Lord! By the way, when I told them about my adventure, they hardly believed a word I said. They said they had spent a peaceful, restful night! Go figure!

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