Wednesday, July 15, 2020

07/15/20 MISSION TRIP TO CHINA #3 — One afternoon we stopped at a “church building.” It was a mass of rubble, much like any bombed-out town in the Middle East. They told us the communist government had bulldozed their church building; apparently they do it every 3-5 years! A bunch of Chinese believers, men and women, were busily rebuilding it. When I asked why they bothered since the government would just come and destroy it again, they said there were way too many Christians and far too few government snitches to keep up with them. So they just intended to keep on rebuilding it each time it was razed.
The whole time I preached, a bunch of the men were laying bricks, passing them up to a little guy on a high scaffold. I taught them to sing “I’m Workin’ on a Buildin’, I’m workin’ on a buildin’, I’m buildin’ it for my Lord, for my Lord!” They loved it and began to sing it (in Chinese, of course) louder and louder, over and over! The little man at the top started dancing, a little too wildly. He fell off the top and landed with a broken leg. As we rushed to him, he grabbed me in a hug and gestured for all of us to keep singing and dancing!
What a memorable example of strong faith in the face of real adversity! American believers, WE NEED TO TOUGHEN UP like those believers!

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