Sunday, November 29, 2020

11/29/20 THE ULTIMATE “EXTREME MAKEOVER” — 2 Corinthians 5:17 (CSB)Therefore, if anyone is IN CHRIST, he is A NEW CREATION; THE OLD HAS PASSED AWAY, and see, THE NEW HAS COME!”

IN CHRIST: These two words comprise a BRIEF BUT MOST PROFOUND STATEMENT of the INEXHAUSTIBLE SIGNIFICANCE of the BELIEVER'S REDEMPTION, which includes the following: 1) the believer's SECURITY IN CHRIST, who bore in His body God's judgment against sin; 2) the BELIEVER'S ACCEPTANCE in Him with whom God alone is well pleased; 3) the BELIEVER'S FUTURE ASSURANCE in Him who is the resurrection to eternal life and the sole guarantor of the believer's inheritance in heaven; and 4) the BELIEVER'S PARTICIPATION IN THE DIVINE NATURE OF CHRIST, the Everlasting Word (cf. 2Pe 1:4).

A NEW CREATION: This describes something that is CREATED at a qualitatively NEW LEVEL OF EXCELLENCE. It refers to REGENERATION or THE NEW BIRTH (cf. Jn 3:3; Eph 2:1-3; Titus 3:5; 1Pe 1:23; 1Jn 2:29; 3:9; 5:4). This expression encompasses the Christian's forgiveness of sins paid for in Christ's substitutionary death (cf. Gal 6:15; Eph 4:24).


THE NEW HAS COME: The Gr. grammar indicates that this NEWNESS is a CONTINUING CONDITION OF FACT. The BELIEVER'S NEW SPIRITUAL PERCEPTION of everything is a constant reality for him, and he NOW LIVES FOR ETERNITY, NOT TEMPORAL THINGS. James identifies this transformation as the FAITH THAT PRODUCES WORKS (see Eph 2:10; Jas 2:14-25). (adapted from The MacArthur Study Bible)

In days to come we’ll look at some of the NEW THINGS which God creates or provides with our salvation!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

11/28/20 HOW MANY “STEPS” DO YOU NEED? — Years ago Sam (name changed to protect someone or something…), a young man in my church, called me on Saturday afternoon. He wanted us to visit a friend who had just been released from jail. The friend’s name was Ed (same as me!).

Ed had a serious drinking problem. As I introduced myself to Ed, Sam looked into every nook and cranny of Ed’s tiny trailer. Wherever he found alcohol, he poured it down the sink and threw away the bottle or can. All the while Ed was moaning, begging me to get him into some kind of 12-step program.

I told Ed that what he really needed was a 1-STEP PROGRAM: he needed to surrender control of his life to Jesus Christ. He said he might think about it. As we were leaving, I told him the most important question he needed to answer was this: How many more days are you satisfied to live as a hell-bound sinner? I told him to call me when his answer was zero! To my utter amazement, he suddenly fell to his knees and, with a little help from me, confessed the many sins of his totally messed up life and asked God to forgive him and make him into a new person.

The very next day, Sunday, Ed showed up at our church. Poor guy—he was wearing a white shirt, collar buttoned tightly and a dark coat which was several sizes too small, with a narrow tie nearly choking him to death. Every pore of his body still reeked of alcohol and tobacco. But he told everyone how thrilled he was to be a brand-new believer and that he intended live the rest of his life for Jesus. We talked about when we could baptize him.

But one week later Ed was dead, killed in a car wreck. Like the thief on the cross next to our Lord, he never had a chance to be baptized, to join our church, to tithe, to mature as a Christian or to serve in God’s kingdom. But no longer a hell-bound sinner, he died a heaven-bound saint, a child of God and a brother of his Lord, Jesus Christ!

Friday, November 27, 2020

11/27/20 “GUILTY” FEELS SO GOOD?! — I hadn’t been a pastor for more than a few weeks when there was an emergency. The teenage son of a prominent member had gone off on a drinking binge with several of his friends, male and female. He and a few others had consumed so much alcohol that they nearly died.

Weeks later, out in the parking lot of the county seat just before their court case, he was bragging about his exploits and how he wasn’t the least bit worried about the judge inside. “What can he do to us—after all, we’re still minors! We just had a little harmless fun!” I heard him snort.

A few minutes later, in the court room, the judge “read them the riot act,” as the saying goes. He strongly suggested that each one plead guilty. He nearly insisted that any who had planned to be represented by a lawyer should dismiss him or her immediately. And to any one of them who plead not guilty, he promised to give them the harshest sentence he was allowed. One by one, each one entered a guilty plea. The judge meted out his sentence—lengthy community service and months of probation. He warned them not to appear before him again anytime soon.

Afterwards, back out in the parking lot, the young man from my congregation told me, “Pastor, I can’t tell you how GOOD it felt to ADMIT MY GUILT! I and everyone else knew that I was guilty. Now I can start over, get a fresh start and do better this time!” I told him, “Sounds like you learned an important lesson. Praise the Lord!”

1 John 1:9-10 (CSB) says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say, ‘We have not sinned,’ we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” When it comes to our multitude of sins, of commission and omission, our best strategy and our only real hope is to confess them to Almighty God—agree with Him that we have failed to obey Him—and beg Him to forgive us. Then we can start over and get a fresh start. And God empowers us to do better!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

11/26/20 WHO NOT WHAT — John 18:37-38a (CSB) “You are a king then?” Pilate asked. “You say that I’m a king,” Jesus replied. “I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice.” 38 “What is truth?” said Pilate…

One of my favorite “proverbs” is this: When you ask the WRONG question, you NEVER get the RIGHT answer.” Like so many of us, Pilate asked the wrong question. The right question is “WHO(M) do you trust?”

These days, lots of people are saying about responding to the Covid crisis, “Just trust science!” But “science” is a “what.” I spent 20+ years working with scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. News flash: scientists rarely agree; they usually disagree with one another. So when you’re trying to decide how to protect yourself and your family, once again, the right question is “WHO do you trust?”

John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus declared that He Himself is the Ultimate Who and What—The Truth. So when you’re trying to decide who to trust with the very most important decisions and plans of this life (and the next), TRUST JESUS, that’s WHO!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11/25/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #37 — James 5:9 (CSB) Brothers and sisters, DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT ONE ANOTHER, so that you will not be judged. Look, the judge stands at the door!

“Complain” is literally “groan, sigh or hold a grudge.” God Himself has carefully planned all our different personalities, strengths and weaknesses, gifts and abilities. We must learn to adjust and adapt to other disciples so that each believer becomes the valued, essential, indispensable part of our combined ministries that God originally intended.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

11/24/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #36 — James 4:11 (CSB) DON’T CRITICIZE ONE ANOTHER, brothers and sisters. Anyone who defames or judges a fellow believer defames and judges the law. If you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

“Criticize” can also be translated as “speak evil, speak against or slander.” James 4:1-12 focuses on how believers should and should not treat each other. The MacArthur Study Bible comments “James does not forbid confronting those in sin, which is elsewhere commanded in Scripture… Rather, he condemns careless, derogatory, critical, slanderous accusations against others.” We must remember that we do not judge God’s law; God’s law judges US!

Monday, November 23, 2020

11/23/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #35 — Hebrews 10:24-25 (CSB) And let us CONSIDER ONE ANOTHER in order to provoke love and good works, 25 not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

In English “let us” does not seem to have the force of a command; but “let us” is actually an imperative, a command in NT Greek. “Consider” literally is “consider fully, discover or perceive.” “Provoke” literally is “contend or dispute.”

The author (and the Holy Spirit) commands believers to be actively involved in each other lives, encouraging, confronting and holding each other accountable. Believers need to realize that frequent, regular face-to-face worship and fellowship are essential to healthy Christian living and service. Hopefully, we will rediscover this in our post-Covid culture soon!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

11/22/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #34 — Titus 3:3 (CSB) For we too were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved by various passions and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, DETESTING ONE ANOTHER.

Chapter 3 of this letter might be called “Right Living in Society.” Here Paul reminds Titus that ALL of us start out life as lost, spiritually dead, “foolish, disobedient and deceived.” All people who have not yet embraced Jesus as personal Lord and Savior are actually “enslaved” to ungodly “passions and pleasures (~hedonism).” Furthermore their lives are characterized by “malice and envy.” In general they harbor jealousy and hatred for other people.

BUT, he reminds them and us, every aspect of his description is RADICALLY CHANGED by the “goodness and love” of God when He saves us. Paul instructs Titus to “insist” (v.8) that believers abandon those ungodly attitudes and behaviors listed above. We need to work on that, too!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

11/21/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #33 — 2 Thessalonians 1:3 (CSB) We ought to thank God always for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, since your faith is flourishing and THE LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU HAS FOR ONE ANOTHER is increasing.

A year had passed since Paul wrote his first letter to the believers in Thessalonica. Apparently he has heard good reports about that church. Considering some of the serious doctrinal and behavioral problems in various NT churches, he was THANKFUL to hear and know that one of the churches he established was doing well. He noted that 1) their faith was “flourishing,” literally “hyper-growing”; and 2) their agape love for each other was “increasing,” literally “super abounding!”

Whenever we hear such reports about another church, we also should thank God for His blessings and their faithfulness. And we should pray and work hard to make those two superlatives true in our church as well.

Friday, November 20, 2020

11/20/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #32 — 1 Thessalonians 5:15 (CSB) See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone, but ALWAYS PURSUE WHAT IS GOOD FOR ONE ANOTHER and for all.

Verses 12-22 are Paul’s “Final Instructions” to those believers. They needed and we need to respect our hard-working leaders, live peaceably, work hard and warn those who are idle. But whenever folks are idle, timid or weak, all too often our tendency is to be impatient, get angry, cause a fuss and “repay evil for evil.” Paul (and most of our mothers) knew that “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” Believers must aggressively seek what is “good,” positive, and beneficial for other believers (and for “all” others, too).

Thursday, November 19, 2020

11/19/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #31 — 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (CSB) Therefore ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER and BUILD EACH OTHER UP as you are already doing.

In this chapter Paul continues to remind them (and US) that we cannot know exactly when Christ will return. Unbelievers will shout, “Peace and safety” (v.3), i.e. ALL IS WELL, when, in fact, we know better. We need to live as in the light, not the darkness and let our light shine and dispel that darkness. This is a challenging assignment, fighting a fierce battle against Satan, his demons and the ungodly influences in this world. So we need to wear our spiritual armor—faith, love and hope (v.8).

In v.11 Paul repeats his earlier command (v.4:18): Believers must CONTINUE to ENCOURAGE each other. “Encourage” is para-kaleo in Greek, literally “called alongside.” We must be constantly involved in each other’s lives, literally helping each “build our (spiritual) homes.” Even thought he knows they are already doing this, Paul thought it necessary to STRESS its importance once more. Same goes for us today.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

11/18/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #30 — 1 Thessalonians 4:18 (CSB) Therefore ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER with these words.

Some of the believers in Thessalonica apparently were worried that believers who died before Christ’s return would miss out. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Paul explains that God and Jesus Christ guarantee that NO TRUE BELIEVER will miss out on ANY of the blessings, the inheritance God intends for them. AND after the Lord’s Triumphal Return, we believers will enjoy His presence and fellowship FOREVER. Now THAT’S ENCOURAGING!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

11/17/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #29 — 1 Thessalonians 4:9 (CSB) About brotherly love: You don’t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

“Brotherly love” is literally the compound Greek word, “phila-delphia.” All true believers are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and beloved sons and daughters of Almighty God.

There is no doubt that God’s Word teaches that believers must love each other. Our love for each other is sure-fire evidence of our genuine faith in Jesus (see John 13:35).

Monday, November 16, 2020

11/16/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #28 — 1 Thessalonians 3:12 (CSB) And may the Lord cause you to INCREASE AND OVERFLOW WITH LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER and for everyone, just as we do for you.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 the Apostle Paul prays for the believers in that city. The two Greek verbs behind the phrase “increase and overflow” mean to “super-abound” and to “abound exceedingly.” That sentence could well be rendered, “May the Lord increase your love for each other to the MAXIMUM level possible!” Wow!

“Love” here is agape—that God kind of selfless, sacrificial love that He showers on us. Oh, and don’t forget that  Paul asks, prompted by the Holy Spirit, that our overflowing agape love extend to EVERYONE!!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/15/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #27 — Colossians 3:13 (CSB) BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER and FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive.

Again, the books of Ephesians and Colossians are nearly twins (See 11/11/20 post re: Eph.4:32).

Because each of us is human, it is inevitable that from time to time even the most mature believers will have a grievance or complaint against or a quarrel with another believer. But in light of the infinite price Jesus Christ paid so that each of us could be forgiven, finally and forever, we MUST settle such differences by granting and accepting full forgiveness.

We must learn to bear with, accept and endure each other believers’ weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. Our harmony and unity are powerful, essential tools we need in order to convince a lost world to surrender to Jesus (see John 17:21-23)!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

11/14/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #26 — Colossians 3:9 (CSB) DO NOT LIE TO ONE ANOTHER, since you have put off the old self with its practices

Note: Paul’s letters to the Ephesians and Colossians are VERY similar. (See 11/10/20 post re: Eph.4:25)

As a father, grandfather, deacon and pastor, I have seen an almost universal trait develop in (nearly) all children. At about two years of age, as they first learn the meaning and power of the word “NO,” they seem to learn to lie. Even if they are the only human in the room, when a parent asks if they made this mess, they loudly proclaim, “No!”

By the way, politicians and news anchors, just because someone says something you disagree with, that does NOT mean he or she lied. Same goes for genuine mistakes in speaking. But lying is such a strong temptation for all of us. Whenever the truth is embarrassing or painful, we are tempted to lie. But as Paul points out, lying is one of the characteristics of the “old self,” that part of you which was replaced and renewed when you were saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Believers, let’s be careful to “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”

Friday, November 13, 2020

11/13/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #25 — Philippians 2:3 (CSB) Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider OTHERS as more important than yourselves.

“Others” is the same NT Greek word, allelon, usually translated as “one another.” The book of Philippians is often called the JOY book. Paul stresses that for all faithful believers, our priorities should Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. What a challenge!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/12/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #24 — Ephesians 5:21 (CSB) SUBMITTING TO ONE ANOTHER in the FEAR of Christ.

1. “Submitting to one another”: “Submit” is the Latin and English version of the NT Greek word which literally means “to put (oneself) under” the authority of another person. It is used in military contexts to mean “reports to” or “takes orders from.” This sentence introduces three examples Paul gives where one person should respect and obey the authority of another—a) Wives should submit to the leadership of their husbands (v.5:22); b) Children should submit to the leadership of their parents (v.6:1); and c) Employees (slaves) should submit to the leadership of their employers (masters) (v.6:5). Not a popular modern American idea, but absolutely biblical!

2. “The FEAR of Christ”: The Greek word “phobos” (cf. phobia) literally means to experience fright, alarm or terror. In our overly soft, lovey-dovey approach to God, Jesus and the Scriptures, several modern translators render this as “reverence” or “respect.” At His Second Coming, Jesus will JUDGE the human race, sentencing all unforgiven sinners to an eternity in hell, separated from everything pleasant, good and godly forever. And Jesus is the co-creator of the entire universe (John 1:1-2). Our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed a Person to be Feared! We MUST be God-phobic and Jesus-phobic; otherwise we’re worshipping a false god! Thankfully, when we are genuinely saved and living daily in faithful obedience to His commands, we can experience and know His LOVE as well!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/11/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #23 — Ephesians 4:32 (CSB) And BE KIND AND COMPASSIONATE TO ONE ANOTHER, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, just as God also forgave you in Christ.

Wow—Two “one another”’s in a single verse! In v.31 Paul stresses that believers must eliminate all forms of anger in their relationships. So here he offers the alternatives.

1. “Be kind and compassionate to one another”: “Kind” could also be rendered good, easy, gracious or useful. “Compassionate” could also be translated as tender-hearted or sympathetic.

2. “Forgiving one another”: Because all believers have been forgiven by Almighty God, He expects us to forgive other believers who have hurt or offended us. In Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus Himself explained that if we do NOT forgive others, God will NOT forgive us. Forgiven believers must be forgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

11/10/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #22 — Ephesians 4:25 (CSB) Therefore, putting away lying, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because WE ARE MEMBERS OF ONE ANOTHER.

“Putting away lying”: More than simply telling direct falsehoods, lying also includes exaggeration and adding fabrications to something that is true. Cheating, making foolish promises, betraying a confidence, and making false excuses are all forms of lying, with which Christians should have no part.

Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor” is quoted from Zec.8:16. God's work in the world is based on truth, and neither the church nor individual believers can be fit instruments for the Lord to use if they are not truthful.

“We are members of one another ”: Each of us believers is an essential, indispensable, valuable limb, organ, member of the Body of Christ. WE NEED EACH OTHER! (adapted from The MacArthur Study Bible)

Monday, November 9, 2020

11/09/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #21 — Ephesians 4:1-2 (CSB) Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE…

“Therefore” marks the transition from doctrine to duty, principle to practice, position to behavior. This is typical of Paul (see Ro 12:1; Gal 5:1; Php 2:1; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:1).

“The prisoner of the Lord”: By mentioning his imprisonment again (see 3:1), Paul gently reminded Ephesian believers that the faithful Christian walk can be costly and that he had paid a considerable personal price because of his obedience to the Lord.

“Walk worthy”: "Walk" is frequently used in the NT to refer to Daily Conduct. It sets the theme for the final 3 chapters. "Worthy" has the idea of living to match one's position in Christ. The apostle urged his readers to be everything the Lord desires and empowers them to be.

Humility,” the most foundational Christian virtue (Jas 4:6), is the quality of character commanded in the first beatitude (Mt 5:3), and describes the noble grace of Christ (Php 2:7, 8).

Gentleness," an inevitable product of humility, refers to that which is mild-spirited and self-controlled.

“Patience”: The Gr. word lit. means long-tempered, and refers to a resolved patience that is an outgrowth of humility and gentleness.

“Bearing with one another in love” is the idea of Tolerating, Accepting and Enduring other believers, whose personalities, abilities and gifts differ from ours. (adapted from The MacArthur Study Bible)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/08/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #20 — Galatians 6:2 (CSB) Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

"’Burdens’ are extra heavy loads, which here represent difficulties or problems people have trouble dealing with. ‘Bear’ connotes carrying something with endurance. ‘The law of Christ’ is the Law of Love which fulfills the entire law (see 5:14; Jn 13:34; Ro 13:8, 10).” (The MacArthur Study Bible) Just 3 verses later, in Gal.6:5 Paul says, “Each person will have to carry his own load.”

Are these two verses contradicting each other? Hardly. There are many “burdens” and “loads” we face in life that God expects each of us to “carry” all by ourselves. But there are others—difficult situations, worrisome circumstances, frightening scenarios—which are “too heavy” for any individual to manage. At times we all need help.

And God expects us believers to be intimately involved in each other’s lives—encouraging, challenging and helping each other. Whatever the situation, we believers face it together as a united, divinely-enabled TEAM!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

11/07/20 GORGEOUS DAY AT THE GOLF COURSE — Yesterday afternoon I was waiting to tee off on hole #3. As I looked toward the green, I was awestruck at the beautiful scene before me. The sun was shining bright, the breeze was refreshingly cool, and the sky was cloudless and deep blue. The trees along both sides of the fairway were a veritable rainbow of color. Everything in front of me reminded me of the Power and Perfections of our Great God!

I had almost forgotten what I was there for. As I glimpsed the tiny flag on the green about a quarter of a mile away, I was reminded of a Scripture verse: Hebrews 12:1b-2a (CSBBible) says “… Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith… ”

Even as I was thrilled to see the glories of our Lord’s creation, I needed to remember why I was there—I wanted to get my ball into that hole in as few strokes as possible. In the same way, as you and I enjoy God’s blessings, let’s remember our purpose. We’re here to obey God’s commands, to bring glory to Him as we serve Him and to spread the Best News that His Son, Jesus Christ, is the ONLY REAL HOPE for each and every man, woman, boy and girl on our planet.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

11/04/20 FAVORITE BAPTISM MEMORIES #8 — Some years ago the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting was in Greenville, NC. Several weeks before, to encourage pastors and churches toward evangelism, Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (SBCV) employees had made a video of a Sunday service where I baptized 9 people. They left almost immediately after the service. And I never saw the video, totally lost track of it and forgot about it.

During one of the brief breaks between messages at the SBC, I left my wife and went to the Men’s Room. As I returned to my seat, “Excuse me… Pardon me,” stepping over at least a dozen other guys, most of them slapped me on the back and said, “Congratulations! Great job! Praise the Lord!” Completely mystified, I replied, “Huh… For what? I just did #1 in the restroom!?” They laughed and whacked me again.

Then Linda told me they had just shown the video to the entire Convention audience. Afterwards I checked with SBC and SBCV personnel. No one seemed to know anything about who had a copy or where or how I could get a copy. To this day, I have NEVER seen it! Of course, I experienced it, FIRST HAND!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

11/01/20 FAVORITE BAPTISM MEMORIES #7 — Years ago I was taking a seminary course in Christology—all about Jesus Christ. On the first test the last question was: “Describe the 13 biblical reasons for believers to be baptized.” I thought I clearly remembered discussing only 3: (1) IDENTIFICATION with Christ’s baptism; (2) OBEDIENCE to Christ’s command and (3) INITIATION into Christ’s church. So I wrote those down and wracked my brain until I came up with 10 more!

When the professor handed back the tests, he kept mine and read my answers to the class. There were hearty laughs all around at my expense! Apparently I had not been paying attention at the beginning of the test. He had told the class there was a misprint on the test—that item should have said 3 reasons, not 13. But then he congratulated me for my “amazingly active sanctified imagination!” He even gave me EXTRA CREDIT. Imagine that!