11/12/20 THE ONE ANOTHER’S IN THE NT #24 — Ephesians 5:21 (CSB) SUBMITTING TO ONE ANOTHER in the FEAR of Christ.
1. “Submitting to one another”: “Submit” is the Latin and English version of the NT Greek word which literally means “to put (oneself) under” the authority of another person. It is used in military contexts to mean “reports to” or “takes orders from.” This sentence introduces three examples Paul gives where one person should respect and obey the authority of another—a) Wives should submit to the leadership of their husbands (v.5:22); b) Children should submit to the leadership of their parents (v.6:1); and c) Employees (slaves) should submit to the leadership of their employers (masters) (v.6:5). Not a popular modern American idea, but absolutely biblical!
2. “The FEAR of Christ”: The Greek word “phobos” (cf. phobia) literally means to experience fright, alarm or terror. In our overly soft, lovey-dovey approach to God, Jesus and the Scriptures, several modern translators render this as “reverence” or “respect.” At His Second Coming, Jesus will JUDGE the human race, sentencing all unforgiven sinners to an eternity in hell, separated from everything pleasant, good and godly forever. And Jesus is the co-creator of the entire universe (John 1:1-2). Our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed a Person to be Feared! We MUST be God-phobic and Jesus-phobic; otherwise we’re worshipping a false god! Thankfully, when we are genuinely saved and living daily in faithful obedience to His commands, we can experience and know His LOVE as well!
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