Thursday, June 18, 2020

06/18/20 MISSION TRIP TO CENTRAL ASIA — In 2005 I was invited to join several other pastors on a mission trip to several countries in Central Asia. It seemed that everywhere I turned, seemingly insurmountable difficulties arose—my passport, visas, plane tickets,… You name it, nothing was working out for me!
Whenever I encountered the other pastors and shared my troubles, they mocked and taunted me: “Well, WE’re not having any problems whatsoever. Maybe God just doesn’t want YOU to go after all!” I was hurt and frustrated. One Sunday morning, just a few days before the flight departed and my visas still not yet in hand, I prayed aloud with my congregation during the a.m. worship service. I told God that He did NOT owe me anything, not a visa, plane ticket, hotel reservation… not anything! I had devoted all my time, energy and money to Him and His kingdom work. Whether or not I actually made the trip was no longer any concern of mine. However He chose to work things out was OK with me!
Things began to happen in a hurry! The evening before our scheduled departure the last piece of the puzzle fell into place: I received my final missing visa. God had worked it out—I WAS indeed going to make the trip!
And what a surprise awaited me at our stopover in London. NONE of the other pastors actually made the trip! I learned (the hard way) that Proverbs 16:9 (CSB) is true: “A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” Another time I’ll probably share more blessings from that trip. Praise the Lord!

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