Saturday, June 13, 2020

06/13/20 TWO BOSSES — In Matthew 6:24 (CSB) Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (also Luke 16:13). Any of you who have ever had several jobs at the same time can probably identify with Him.
Years ago, unemployed for a short time, I had just been offered and had accepted a “computer geek” job. Also I had recently preached several times at a church which was looking for a pastor. It was Sunday afternoon; my new job was to begin the very next day, Monday. The chairman of the Pastor Search Team called; they wanted me to preach the next Sunday as a candidate to be their next pastor.
Excited (and perhaps jumping the gun), I phoned my new boss-to-be. I explained that I was nearly certain I was going to be the pastor of a small church with a small salary; I asked if he would consider allowing me to work for him half-time. He just about tore my head off! He said that I worked for him, he owned me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; he didn’t give a rip what kinds of hobbies I had on most weekends, but nothing would ever interfere with his freedom to call me into work at any time for any period of time. WOW—as politely as I could I thanked him for his time and effort on my behalf so far and resigned. And serving as a pastor was NOT a hobby!
You know the saying: Jesus is either LORD OF ALL or He is NOT LORD AT ALL! Only Jesus has the right to make that claim on our lives! Each of us has a CLEAR CHOICE: Jesus is LORD of our entire lives OR “money,” the things of this world. As the “master” used to say on the Kung Fu TV show, “Choose carefully, grasshopper!”

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