PLAYING THE PERCENTAGES? — Right now an all-time low of about 65% of Americans
claim to be Christians. In addition, Heaven and Hell are two topics on which
Americans are horribly divided. On the one hand nearly everyone (90%+),
claiming to be Christian or not, believes in some sort of “heaven”; and for
various (usually spurious) reasons, they assume they’ll spend eternity there
after death. On the other hand hardly anyone believes in the existence of a
literal “hell.” And, again, for various (usually spurious) reasons, even if
they believe hell exists, they certainly believe that neither they nor any of
their loved ones will end up there. Strangely, even though (most) Southern
Baptists claim the Bible as God’s inspired, inerrant and infallible Word,
experts tell us only about 67% of our members claim to believe hell is real!
I say let’s vote with Jesus; He spoke more about “hell” than anyone else.
When He spoke about how long people would spend there, He used the exact same
words to describe both heaven and hell, e.g. eternal, everlasting, never
ending, etc. In Matthew 7:13-14 (CSB) Jesus said, “Enter
through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go through it. 14 How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to
life, and few find it.” (cf. Matthew 22:14, etc.) According to Jesus
Christ, MANY will NOT be SAVED; MANY are on the broad road with the wide gate
to HELL; and FEW will find and pass through the narrow gate and travel the
difficult road to LIFE, i.e. HEAVEN.
Christian brothers and
sisters, let’s start BELIEVING what the Bible ACTUALLY says and TELLING that to
others. AND, if any of you is NOT yet a sold-out all-in disciple of Jesus Christ,
A.S.A.P. !