01/03/22 Praying With JESUS: 40 Days Toward Church Revitalization — Day 17
5:23-24 (ESV)
23 So if you are offering
your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against
24 leave your gift there
before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and
offer your gift.
RECONCILIATION… I had not been their pastor very long. In
an effort to become acquainted with the older members of the congregation, I invited
one long-time member to be my visitation partner for a few months. The first time
we went visiting together he surprised me at the end of the afternoon. Pulling into
the church parking lot he reached into his shirt pocket to reveal a note card with
the names of ten men written on it. “Pastor,” he began, “these ten men have deeply
offended me and I want them brought before the church to answer for what they have
done.” As we talked, I learned that he had been carrying this list of names around
for more than three years, but had never attempted reconciliation with any one of
them. Biblical reconciliation was missing from his demand; he was only interested
in revenge. Perhaps you need to be reconciled to a brother or sister in Christ.
Perhaps others in your church family are at distant odds over some issue or another.
Regardless what the offense, without forgiveness and reconciliation, your church
will continue to struggle and REVITALIZATION
attempts will be stymied.
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