08/06/21 Parables of Jesus #8 — The Hidden Treasure (Mat.13:44)
13:43 (ESV) The kingdom of heaven is like treasure
hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes
and sells all that he has and buys that field.
13:44-46 These two parables (v.43-44) have identical meanings. Both picture salvation as something hidden from most people (see v.11), but so valuable that people who have it revealed to them are willing to give up all they have to possess it. [The MacArthur Study Bible]
Some people seem to discover the Gospel entirely unintentionally. In a crisis they “just happen” to hear a Christian friend talk about the compassion and power of Jesus. Or, while surfing the TV channels or the Web, they come across a Christian broadcast which speaks to their hearts. Whatever! One way or another they embrace the Savior. They are suddenly aware that He is more precious, more valuable than anything else in their lives.
Have YOU understood that the most urgent, most important, most precious decision you need to make is to SURRENDER control of your life to Jesus? I pray that you have.
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