Wednesday, September 16, 2020

09/16/20 ANOTHER INTERRUPTION — For the past several months we had been arranging the purchase of a brand-new home. Originally we were scheduled to close the deal this Friday; one week from today we would close the deal on our present townhome and vacate the premises. My careful, conscientious, detail-oriented wife Linda had made all the dozens of arrangements—mailing address change, newspaper, cable TV, Internet, cashier’s check, new blinds for all the windows and doors, movers to come here next Monday, and so on and so on…

But at the end of last week and on this past Sunday afternoon we had two inspections of our new home-to-be; both alarmed us. Yesterday we officially notified our builders that we would NOT purchase the home. They were not thrilled; no mention of returning our earnest money was made. What in the world were we to do? In 8 days we would be “homeless” unless… a genuine miracle happened, we thought. Of course we had been praying, at least daily, for God’s supervision, power, blessing, assistance, intervention…

Our realtor (who should win the Grand Prize for Realtor of the Century for the entire Milky Way galaxy!) began to check around. By the way: she had managed the sale of our townhome; she was just willing to help us now out of the goodness of her heart. If she juggled things there was a condo available for rent on October 2 that she should have advertised already, but for personal reasons had not yet done so. So we could move in there if we wished—we jumped right on it! She called the new owners of our townhome; they agreed to let us stay here until October 2. Two down, one thousand details to go. Linda called the power company, cable, Internet,… We worried about our earnest money—no problem. Everyone was UNUSUALLY prompt, enthusiastic and helpful (unheard of, right?)!

We needed to downsize a little more. So I put our upright freezer on Facebook Marketplace. I was inundated with offers, so fast, in fact, that I had trouble responding. A great guy named Bill bought it and picked it up in a couple of hours. Late yesterday he sent me a message that he joined others praying for us.

Then Linda called our movers. Uh-oh, they were booked solid for the entire month of October. But this morning, they called us back. One of their clients had called last night to cancel. Guess which date? Yep, October 2! And the builders emailed to say they WOULD return our earnest in full! You can’t make this stuff up!

Well, of course, some would say that all this is just a really unusual, fortunate set of coincidences. But we know better. Our Almighty God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit combined their efforts to answer our prayers mercifully, mightily, magnificently and miraculously (how’s that for alliteration)! AND thanks to all our family and friends, old and new, who prayed for us.

Near the end of His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus urged us NOT to worry about life’s “practical stuff.” He reminded us that God the Father, Who takes care of tiny birds and wildflowers, would certainly take care of His people. Basically Jesus described two jobs: our job is to seek God’s Righteousness and His Kingdom; one of God’s jobs is take care of our daily needs—food, clothing, shelter, etc. Once more God sure did an almost unbelievable Great Job for us! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! (I know—longest post so far. Too bad!)

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