Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sample NAMB Demographic Data and Charts

NAMB (The North American Mission Board) of the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) provides, FREE of charge, amazing Demographic Data and Charts of any portion of the United States (65 pages!)--for our purposes usually a 1-, 2- and/or 3-mile radius around a church. Below is a brief sample:

Sample of Data

FREE information about the People Groups--Reached, Unreached, Engaged, etc.--in a U.S. area is available at Below is a sample of that data:

Sample Survey Responses CHARTS

The Summary feature of Google Forms allows bar charts and pie charts to be created quickly and easily from any of the surveys. Below are charts from sample data of the Secret Guest survey:

Sample Survey Responses SPREADSHEET

ALL Survey Data is automatically recorded in a (Google Sheets) spreadsheet. These spreadsheets are compatible with MS Excel. Thus many statistical charts and functions are readily available and can be easily and quickly produced. Below is a sample of the Secret Guest Survey spreadsheet (usually just one participant per church):

Sample of Church Health Survey--

ALL Surveys are based on FREE Google Forms. Participants may easily complete them on smartphones, tablets or personal computers; when necessary, each survey may be printed on paper. Responses are automatically recorded in an online spreadsheet. Below is a sample of the Church Health Survey: